by Jacqueline Owens | Feb 15, 2021 | Recovery
I played quite a few sports growing up and believed that I was athletically talented to play those sports over others. In turn, I didn’t end up trying other sports outside of the ones that I had a natural talent in. Looking back, I may have had skills that...
by Skylar Helm | Feb 15, 2021 | Fitness
What is Mobility? The ability to move your body freely and efficiently from one position to the other, through a wide range of motion, pain-free. Mobility is something we can easily lose when we don’t use it. We keep our mobility by choosing exercises that focus on...
by Barbara Candlish | Feb 10, 2021 | Community
CELEBRATING BLACK HISTORY MONTH Black History Month allows everyone to share, celebrate and understand the impact of black heritage and culture in our society This year, it also follows a period where racial justice calls reached a fever pitch, providing a needed...
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