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Here’s the prescription for longevity:

(1) Get movement in daily

(2) Eat nutritious food

(3) Prioritize sleep quality

(4) Drink a minimum of 2L of water a day

(5) Cultivate emotional closeness with friends, family and partners

And (6) have great sex, often.

All Day Fit touches on the first 5 elements frequently. However number 6, your relationship with sex, is just as important when we talk about physical and mental longevity.

When we discuss health, we aren’t just focused on training, in fact, we look at health as a 360 degree picture – fitness being only part of it!

Sexuality is a part of everyone’s life. All of our bodies have the potential to feel physical excitement and pleasure. Some people choose never to be sexually active, but most explore their sexual desires in some way, at some point in their lives. Having the freedom to choose how to express yourself sexually (or how not to), understanding your body and how it works and being comfortable with yourself and your sexual desires are all important part of sexual health.

RELATIONSHIPS: Cultivate emotional closeness

This can mean friends, family, partners, etc. Our health, happiness and longevity rely heavily on them. Dozens of studies have shown that people who have social support, family, friends and community are happier, have fewer health problems and live longer.

RELATIONSHIPS WITH SEX: Sex builds intimacy with other humans

For the people in our life we get naked with, sex increases the intimacy in the relationship. For any relationship to be successful it’s important that the people involved are emotionally on the same page. Maybe it can’t fix everything but the oxytocin released during an orgasm generates a deeper bond. Studies show that having great sex is a great way to build that emotional intimacy as sexual satisfaction and relationship satisfaction are interconnected.

If things aren’t going well in the bedroom there’s a high chance they’re not going well in other areas of your relationship. 

What are other BENEFITS OF SEX you ask?

Need more exercise? Have sex, it improves cardiovascular health. 

Getting common colds and fever? More sex increases the level of antibodies which fight against common cold.

High stress? Sex is a great effective stress reducer. 

Trouble falling asleep? Sex before bed will help. 

Low mood? Sex releases feel good and happy hormones! 

Healthy people tend to have a healthy sex life. A regular sex-life is a marker of a generally more manful, wellness-focused life. It is up to you to define what a regular sex life is for you. 

Get fast between those sheets! 

Improve Your Relationship With Sex.

Your relationship with sex is heavily dependent on your relationship with your body. Do you experience body shaming that impacts how you perceive your self-worth? We’ve put together a FREE 3-part guide to help you break the cycle of body shaming. Check it out by clicking below!