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So we’ve learned about how to reduce single-use plastic and make better decisions when it comes to living a more sustainable lifestyle.We’ve made healthy snacks all-natural cleaning solutions and even picked up community garbage. Though this is a great place to start, continuing to live this way may feel overwhelming and a bit daunting.

Let’s face it, change can be scary and living plastic-free may seem impossible…because unfortunately it currently is. There are several industrial norms that are out of our control – these norms must change FIRST to allow for consumers to live completely single-use and plastic-free. Many large corporations are using single-use plastic for their products, such as pop bottles, straws, food packaging, single-use bags and more. These corporations have a lot of buying power when it comes to consumerism and the economy. Our superpower is knowledge! The more we raise awareness and choose to refuse, the more likely these large corporations are to change their processing.

We can do our part by choosing to reduce these single-use products and taking the steps to live more green in a way that best supports our lifestyle. As we say at All Day Fit, everybody is different. We move, look, feel and eat differently and it is these differences that make us who we are. This is no exception to the way we live. One person may choose to live a plastic-reduced lifestyle, while another may choose to reserve water or save energy by using smart devices and walking or biking places or buying local/ sustainable foods. It’s important to find what best suits you as that is the recipe for a sustainable life.

We want to thank you for all of your support and excitement this month! We loved the conversations and energy we felt regarding #plasticfreejuly. We hope you feel inspired to continue on your eco-journey! Please feel welcome to send any questions or comments our way- we’d love to hear them!

– Your All Day Eco Fam!