by Joelle Dell'Erede | Jan 27, 2021 | Community
Our 2020 NPS Survey Results! Every year we check in with our community on how they are enjoying their journey with us, how we can improve, and what they would like to see next. 2020 brought several changes and challenges to All Day Fit and with the support of...
by Joelle Dell'Erede | Nov 10, 2020 | Nutrition
Your Guide to Canadian Produce in Ontario. Buying in season means choosing items and recipes that are grown within your current season. It also means shopping locally, which makes Canadian farmers feel pretty good. These ingredients are usually less expensive because...
by Joelle Dell'Erede | Sep 14, 2020 | Community
A BIG ADF thank you to everyone who joined our Block Party and 4 Year celebration!! We were so excited to showcase our brand new ADF HQ, a state-of-the-art functional fitness facility where you are guaranteed the environment, community and coaching you need to hit...
by Joelle Dell'Erede | Aug 19, 2020 | Nutrition
If you are someone who tends to consume two or three cups of coffee before your first meal (I’ve definitely been guilty of this too), this could be a major factor contributing to your inability to focus on your daily tasks. Coffee is not a meal… in fact, it’s actually...
by Joelle Dell'Erede | Aug 3, 2020 | Recovery
Tiny. Cute. Sweet. So healthy. Small. These words once ruled my life. They were all I heard and what I held my worth to. They took control over my life and set an unhealthy standard of weight for me to try to maintain. I’m not sharing for remorse, but to shed light on...
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